食之契约适合小白培养的SR英雄是谁 食之契约红酒角色解析

时间: 2022-03-17 17:52:55 来源: APP下载 编辑: APP下载

The size of the card's quality distribution in the food contract is a * strong * rare quality. It is not so easy for novice players, so try to find the hero who is suitable for the cultivation in SR. Good lineup is very important. This role of red wine is more suitable for novice players. The probability of acquisition as the role of SR quality and the conditions of the stars are also easy. This role is also the player's improvement level, you can also reward at least It is easier to improve the total force easier to upgrade to two stars. In addition, the monomer output of wine is also very high. As a live output role of players, it must be very good choice! Let's take a look at how the red wine is still in the diet!

First, the overall positioning of the role of red wine is a role with high monomer output damage, and the mechanism of its skill is caused to the enemy of * far. Injury, and in a general battle * far role is often the treatment assistance or output, such a decision mechanism for position is also a major characteristic and advantage! In addition to the skill effect of the enemy's rear row, his second skill will cause harm to the nearest enemies and the continuous effects. As his joint skills, it is necessary to cooperate with the UR quality gingerbread, and it is only played in the effect, and Xiaobian is also not recommended!
